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octubre 2019

Inicio  /  2019  /  octubre

Somos el segundo Centro que lo realiza en el país y el primero en la Patagonia. La práctica se concretó la semana pasada en el PET/MR, uno de los tres equipos híbridos con los que cuenta el Servicio de Medicina Nuclear e Imágenes de la Fundación.

How to get involved

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You can contact us by either completing the e-mail form or calling +54 9294 474 6050.

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Our multi-disciplinary patient evaluation team will evaluate your case. If necessary, we may ask you to send us your medical reports.

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We will reply to you with the medical recommendations given to us by our committee, along with an estimate.

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Should you decide to be cared for by us, our patient administrators will contact you in order to discuss the details with you. This would include the date and time of your appointment, as well as how to get to our institution. We will also explain to you how your procedure(s) will be carried out.

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On the date of your appointment, we will welcome you to INTECNUS, and we will help you during the entire length of your stay.